TaxWise Online training site

The TaxWise Online Training Site allows you to create training tax returns which enables you to experience tax preparation before tax season begins. You must log in to the TaxWise Online training website: using the same login you use for your TaxWise Online site.

Items available in the Training Site:

We would recommend not using the integration between TaxWise Online and CCH iFirm in the Training Site because you would be sending training data to CCH iFirm.

Items not available in the Training Site:

You must have an EFIN entered on Form 8879 in order to see any errors after running Diagnostics. If you do not have an IRS issued EFIN, you can enter any six digit number in this field for the Training Site.


Accessing the Training Site

  1. Type in the address bar of the internet browser and press Enter.
  2. Enter the Client ID, Username, and Password that you use to log into your TaxWise Online site and log in as normal.

In the top right corner, it will say "Training" so you know what site you are in.